Dr Rodrigo Perez Vega - Digital Marketing Consultant

About me.

I am a marketing professional with a passion for digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and new technology.

I co-authored the book Essentials of Digital Marketing. A user-friendly textbook that provides an engaging introduction to digital marketing to help you understand the impact of digital channels on marketing operations. You can purchase my book in bookshops across the UK and online.

I frequently speak at conferences related to digital marketing and social media. I have participated in the SME World Summit, Social Media Summit, and I have trained corporate clients in the use of digital marketing tools for business purposes. I also write in business magazines such as The Intelligent SME, and have been interviewed on topics related to digital marketing in TRT World and France 24.

I also love teaching others about marketing. I work as an Associate Professor of Marketing at Henley Business School, where I teach and do research on digital marketing, social influence marketing, computer-human interaction, customer experience in online environments, and the application of AI and machine learning in marketing. Do you want to collaborate with me? Let’s talk!

I’ve been involved in several online projects, including a consultancy that was worked with the public sector to address several digital marketing problems; and Pro-Counselling, a B2B mental health and wellbeing platform that supports both private and public organisations. Some of our clients include Health Education England, King’s College London, EDHEC Business School, among others.




.Journal Articles

Marketing and business magazines

Conference Papers

  • Perez-Vega, R., Chatterje, A., Zhang, R., Lee, G., McColl., A., Scher-Smith, A., and Palmer, A (2024).  Social Robots for Acute Elderly Care: Investigating Staff Perceptions Within the UK’s NHS. AIRSI 2024 – Universidad de Zaragoza.
  • Perez-Vega, R., Garnelo-Gomez, R., Mazzoli, I, and Razo, M. (2023). “When Less is More”: An analysis of influencer marketing framing strategies and online engagement in the #deinfluencing campaign. 20th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing: ‘Gatekeepers, Tastemakers and Change Agents: Who decides in Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social marketing?’
  • Miguel, C., Lutz, C., Majetić, F., Perez Vega, R., & Sánchez-Razo, M. (2023). It’s not All Shiny and Glamorous: Loneliness and Fear of Missing Out among Digital Nomads. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
  • Baxter, K., Perez-Vega, R., Nwoba, A., Histon, W., and Sanchez, M. (2023). Environmental Sustainability Communications, Online Customer Engagement and Sales Performance: Evidence from the Luxury Fashion Industry: Structured Abstract. 2023 AMS Annual Conference.
  • Singhal, A., Hopkinson, P., Perez-Vega, R., (2023). Is the Future of CRM truly Conversational? Exploring the Role of Virtual Service Robots in the Management of Customer Relationships: An Abstract. 2023 AMS World Marketing Congress (WMC).
  • Miguel, C., Lutz, C., Majetic, F., Perez-Vega, R., Sanchez Razo, M. (2023). Life is not all about work’: Self-(re)presentation of digital nomads. 73rd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication, to be held 25-29 May 2023.
  • Palmer, A; Perez-Vega, R; Zhang, R and Scher-Smith, A (2022). Service Robotics Beyond Privacy Concerns: An Investigation of the Role of Learning Abilities on Technological Adoption In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society – COST Action CA19121 – Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Hopkinson, P., Singhal, A., Perez-Vega, R., and Waite, K. (2022) The Transformative Power of Artificial Intelligence for Managing Customer Relationships: Structured Abstract, AMS Annual Conference, 25-27 May 2022, Monterey, California, USA.
  • Palmer, A; Perez-Vega, R; Zhang, R and Scher-Smith, A (2022). Service Robotics Beyond Privacy Concerns: An Investigation of the Role of Learning Abilities on Technological Adoption In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society – COST Action CA19121 – Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Zhang, R., & Perez-Vega, R. (2020). Match, chat and date: examining the effects of online dating apps on relationship development and relationship satisfaction, British Academy of Management.
  • Miguel, C. and Perez-Vega, R. (2019). A comparative analysis of Airbnb in London and Barcelona: The ethnographic research process and its discontents in Penny Travlou and Luigina Ciolfi (Eds.). Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies Conference Proceedings. University of Edinburgh, 25 October 2019.
  • Perez-Vega, R., Hopkinson, P., Singhal, A., Waite, K. (2019). Relationship Intelligence: Affordance of AI in Practice, 22nd AMS World Marketing Congress, 9-12 July 2019 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
  • Miguel, M. and Perez-Vega, R. (2019). A multiple stakeholder analysis of the impact of Airbnb in London and Barcelona, The 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy. University of Utrech, 28 and 29 June 2019 – The Netherlands.
  • Borghei Razavi, N. Lages, C. R., Perez-Vega (2018). Antecedents and Boundary Conditions of Negatively Valenced Customer Engagement (Naples Forum on Service, 2019).
  • Borghei Razavi, N., Lages, C. R., Perez-Vega, R. (2018). Negatively valenced customer engagement in the healthcare context: The construct, antecedents, and moderators (SERVSIG conference, 2018).
  • Borghei Razavi, N., Lages, C. R., Perez-Vega, R. (2018). It is not the organisation, it’s their customers: The impact of customer aggression on other customer’s perception of organisation’s image (LaLonde conference, 2018).
  • Borghei Razavi, N. Lages, C. R., Perez-Vega (2018). The Role of Customer-Perceived Service Climate and Customer’s (dis)Identification in Emergence of Negatively-Valenced Customer Engagement (Frontiers conference, 2018).
  • Hopkinson, P., Perez-Vega, R., Singhal, A. (2018). Exploring the use of AI to manage customers’ relationships.  Workshop paper. (Academy of Marketing, 2018).
  • Singhal, A., Hopkinson, P, Fattah, S., and Perez-Vega, R. (2018). Measuring and managing the quality of social media-based customer relationships. (European Conference of Social Media).
  • Portilla Irastorza, M. and Perez-Vega, R. (2017). Exploring motivations to engage in online brand communities: a comparative analysis (EMAC).
  • Nadeem, S., Rodriguez, L. and Perez-Vega, R. (2015). A scale of hindrance in mobile in-app advertising.  The International Conference on Organization Management (ICOM).
  • Ashraf, S. and Perez-Vega, R. (2015).  Insight into Dubai’s Generation Y Online Shopping Behaviour: Exploring the Limitations of the Technology Acceptance Model with the Digital Natives. The International Conference on Organization Management (ICOM).
  • Perez-Vega, R.; Waite, K.; and O’Gorman, K. (2014) The Influence of brand immediacy in consumer engagement behaviours: a revised social impact model. Doctoral Colloquium Academy of Marketing.

Awards: Best Literature Review – Academy of Marketing Doctoral Colloquium 2014


  • Waite, K. and Perez-Vega, R. (2018). Essentials of Digital Marketing. [Find out more]

Book Chapters

  • Miguel, C. and Perez-Vega, R. (2022). A stakeholders’ analysis of Airbnb in London and Barcelona, in Travlou, P., and Colfi, L. (eds.) Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies across Europe: Understanding Sharing and Caring. London: Ubiquity Press.
  • Waite, K. & Perez-Vega, R. (2022). Big Data and Digital Marketing in Taheri, B., Rahimi, R. and Buhalis, D. (eds.) The Sharing Economy: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Perez-Vega, R., and Miguel, C. (2021). Timebanks in the United Kingdom: An Examination of the Evolution in Klimczuk, A., Česnuitytė, V., Miguel, C., Avram, G. (eds.) The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, practices, and contradictions. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Majetic, F. and Perez-Vega, R. (2021). “Socio-Environmental Determinants of Willingness to Participate in the Collaborative Economy” in Becoming a Platform in Europe – On the Governance of the Collaborative Economy. Edited by Maurizio Teli and Chiara Bassetti. pp. 12–34. Now Publishers. DOI: 10.1561/9781680838411.ch2.
  • Miguel, C., Lutz, C., Alonso-Almeida, M.M., Jones, B., Majetić, F., Perez-Vega, R. (2021). Perceived impact of short-term rentals in the community in the UK, in Farmaki, A., Bogazici, S.K., and Ioannides, D. (eds.) Peer-to-Peer Accommodation and Community Resilience. Wallingford: CABI.
  • Perez-Vega, R. and Waite, K. (2016). “Digital media and marketing interactivity” in Marketing Communications (Eds.) G. Bell, B. Taheri and Angelelli. Woodeaton: Godfellow Publishers.
  • Jubb, D., Zakaria, L., Gori, K., and Perez-Vega, R. (2016). Data Sources from Archives to the Internet in Research Methods for Accounting and Finance (Eds.)  A. Patterson, D. Leung, W. Jackson, R. Macintosh, and K. O’Gorman. Woodeaton: Goodfellow Publishers.
  • Gori, K. and Perez-Vega, R. (2015). “From Archives to the Internet” in Research Methods for Business and Management (2nd Ed.) K. O’Gorman and R. Macintosh. Woodeaton: Godfellow Publishers.
  • Gori, K. and Perez-Vega, R. (2014). “Working with historical and contemporary data sources” in Research Methods for Business and Management (Eds.) K. O’Gorman and R. Macintosh. Woodeaton: Godfellow Publishers.

Media Coverage

Income Generation / Grants

  • Adult Social Care Technology Fund: Independent Living Care Technology Solutions. Role: Evaluation partner. Amount: £1.08M (from which £246K goes to the Evaluation Partner). (October 2023 – April 2025).
  • Academy of Marketing: Immersive technologies for skills and capabilities development: measuring the effect of enhanced immersive experiences and performance outcomes among Generation Z consumers. Role: Principal Investigator.  Amount: £4,797.90 (September 2023 – August 2024).
  • Cross-disciplinary research for Environmental Solutions. Role: Co-Investigator.  Amount: £4,677 (Jan 2023)
  • British Academy: Adoption of service robotics in adult social care  – Role: Co-investigator.  Amount: £9,872.50 (Nov 22 to Oct 23)


PhD students

  1. Niloofar Borghei Razavi (Full completion). Research Topic: The organisational antecedents, moderators, and outcomes of customer’s negatively-valenced engagement in the healthcare context.
  2. Alex Scher-Smith (current).  Research Topic: Service Robotics: An Investigation into Technological Adoption with a focus on Learning Abilities.
  3. Oserere Ibeleghu (current). Consumer Satisfaction, Post-Service Encounter and Service Robots in an Emerging Economy: A Case of the Banking Sector.
  4. Mostafa Vahedi (current). Enhancing the customer experience with gamification in virtual and augmented reality contexts in retail industry.
  5. My Tran (current). Virtual Brand Ambassadors and their influence on customer experience.





  • Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


September 2020 – Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Advanced Paid Search [workshop – Samsung Baltics]

September 2018 – “World of Work: Enlightening the dark side”

September 2018 – Inteligencia Artificial: perspectivas, oportunidades, y retos para el consumidor y la mercadotecnia. 10mo Congreso Internacional de Investigación. Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala: Septiembre

July 2018 – “Principles of Marketing” Oxford Summer Seminars 

July 2017 – “Principles of Marketing” Oxford Summer Seminars 

April 2016- “A scientific pespective to fan paga engagement” – Social Media Summit.

March 2016 – “The science of marketing: How applying research in marketing can improve the SME business?” – SME World Summit (workshop)

March 2016- “UAE Inter-School Business Challenge” (Competition organiser)

January 2016 – “UAE Inter-School Business Simulation Challenge” (Competition organiser)

Apr 2015 – “UAE Inter-School Business Challenge” (Competition organiser)

May 2014 – “Designing a digital marketing plan for SMEs” (workshop)

May 2014 – “7 ways to improve your digital marketing presence” (conference)

Sept 2014- “Assessment and development of a digital marketing strategy” (Private training with the regional marketing team of World Vision LATAM).


Teaching Experience

  • Digital Marketing Strategy & Planning
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Communications
  • Advances in Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Sustainability
  • ICT in the SME context
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing Perspectives
  • Enterprise and its business Environment
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Business Strategy
  • Principles of Marketing

Marketing Experience

Digital Marketing and Brand Management


2017 (Aug) to date. Pro-Counselling, UK. Co-founder

I am involved in the launch of an online platform that looks after the mental health of staff (Pro-Counselling & Pro-EAP).

Main responsibilities:

  • Oversee the marketing strategy with a focus on B2B (Pro-Counselling) and B2C worldwide (Instant Counselling) with a strong focus on the use of digital marketing tools. I have extensive experience with SEO, Search Engine Marketing, remarketing, CRO, and Social Media Marketing.
  • Build strategic partnerships with other mental health providers to increase the volume of sales for all parties.
  • Oversee the content marketing strategy and work with our community manager, copywriters, and videographers to create and disseminate content to generate visits to the site.


2022 (Aug) – To date Henley Business School, UK. Associate Professor of Marketing

 Main responsibilities:

-Marketing & Reputation PGR Director. Overseeing the PhD program of the department.

2020 (Dec) – 2022 (Aug). Kent Business School, UK. Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing & Analytics.

Main responsibilities:

-Curriculum design and delivery of lectures in Principles of Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing Research, Digital Marketing Strategy & Planning, Social Media Analytics, and Digital Innovation and New Media Management at  postgraduate level.

– Director of Studies for the MSc in Digital Marketing & Analytics, overseeing changes to the program, involved in recruitment and accreditation activities.

-Supervision of dissertations.

Engagement with industry:

-Participation in the Help to Grow program, an initiative supported by the UK Government to develop management skills in SMEs.


2016 (Jul) – 2020 (Dec) Henley Business School, UK. Lecturer in Digital Marketing.

Main responsibilities:

-Curriculum design and delivery of lectures in Digital Marketing and Marketing Communications at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
-Supervision of dissertations.

Engagement with industry:
-Liaise with leading marketing practitioners to generate collaboration opportunities with students and for research opportunities.
-Guest writer at The Intelligent SME Magazine.
-Speaker at the Social Media Summit and Social Media Workshops.

2014 (Oct) – 2016 (Jul) Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus, UAE Marketing / Assistant Professor in Marketing & Programme Director for the MSc. in International Marketing Management with Digital Marketing

Heriot-Watt is one of the UK’s leading universities for business and industry and has a reputation for innovative education, enterprise and leading edge research in science, business, engineering and design. To know more about HWU and its rankings, please visit this link. Main responsibilities:

  • Deliver marketing courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  • Provide supervision to research projects.
  • Engage in the creation of scholar artefacts in the field of marketing.

2010 (Aug)- 2015 (Aug) MCG Digital Marketing, UK Marketing / Head of Digital Marketing

MCG Digital Marketing is an agency that caters for the digital needs of small businesses in the UK, France, Spain and South America. With clients in the FMCG, fashion and Professional Service industries, MCG manages their online presence and digital marketing activities to help them reach their business objectives. Main responsibilities: -Become the key point of contact for the client in all their digital activities. -Responsible for managing the multi-channel marketing campaigns. -Development of strategy and online marketing communication plans for companies in the education, event management, fashion and fundraising sector: ROI ranging between 52.3% up to 161% depending on industry sector and length of campaigns. -Extensive experience developing marketing communication campaigns and advising other departments on SEO, SEM and SMM. -Conversion rate optimisation experience via A/B and MVT testing. -SEO keyword optimisation, PPC keyword optimisation. -Developing and presenting bids for new clients. -Management of budgets. -Management experience leading a multi-disciplinary team (account executives for UK and Spain, community managers for Spain and France, and graphic designer) to ensure the adequate implementation of marketing plans. -Encourage involvement of the team during the full projects delivery cycle.

2006 (Sep) – 2008 (Aug)

Kellogg Company, Querétaro, MEXICO

Marketing / Assistant Brand Manager

Kellogg Company is one of the Top 100 most valuable brands according to Forbes Magazine. The company has a well-established portfolio of brands for kids and adults, and is present in more than 160 countries.

Main responsibilities:

-Development of brand strategy and planning: brand growth of 27% vs. year ago in net sales.

-Plan and execute brand’s marketing plan.

-Responsible for launching 3 in&outs and 1 line extension into the Mexican market.

-Overseeing the implementation of both qualitative and quantitative research for concept testing, post-test and modelling impact of marketing activities on sales.

-Development of TV communication and printed communication.

-Management of Advertising and Promotion budgets.

Education & Qualifications

PhD, MRes, MSc., B.A. (Hons)

Sept. 2011-  Jun. 2016

Heriot-Watt University (UK)

PhD in Marketing (Digital Marketing/Social Media)

The focus of my research is the development of a model of social influence on customer engagement behaviours in social media websites. Through a series of experiments, I have identified different forms of brand immediacy that affect these behaviours, and that can help businesses improve the results that they achieve when in social media.

Sept. 2008 –   Jun. 2010

Politecnico di Milano (Italy)/ Umeå University (Sweden)

MSc. Strategic Project Management (Distinction)/ Msc. Management

-The programme focuses on giving an understanding of issues implementing strategy through projects. It also provides extensive training on project management tools and approaches to manage large projects.

-Main subjects: Project management, risk management and risk assessment, strategy.

Research area for dissertation: Knowledge Integration in Consulting Firms.

Aug. 2002 –    Dec. 2006

ITESM (Mexico)

B.A. Marketing (Distinction)

-Market research project for the International Airport of Queretaro on regional travelling behaviours that support a business expansion for low-fare airlines in the airport of Queretaro.

-Market research to regional chocolate manufacturer to identify the most appropriate distribution channels.

Language Skills



Language Skills (English)


Language Skills (French)


Language Skills (Spanish)

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