Finding a Marketing Dissertation Topic in 2024: Top Tips and Proven Resources
Struggling to find a good marketing dissertation topic? You’re not alone. Every year I prepare a guide for my master students on how to find a good marketing dissertation topic. This year is no exception. This guide equips you with actionable strategies and...
Finding a Marketing Dissertation Topic in 2024: Top Tips and Proven Resources
Are you struggling to find a captivating marketing dissertation topic in 2024? You’re not alone. Having supervised hundreds of students as part of my academic career, every year I publish a guide to help students find a good marketing dissertation topic that is...
How to find a good marketing dissertation topic (2021-2022 Edition)
Once again that time of the year when students across the world need to find a marketing dissertation topic is looming. I recently delivered a guest lecture at Henley Business School about the future of marketing, and many of the questions were related to finding good...
What is a theory?
You are being asked to make a theoretical contribution and to find theoretical research gaps. This can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know what can be considered as a theory and what is not. This guide will point you in the right direction. What is a...