Online Research – Using the Internet and Social Media

In Chapter 6 of the second edition of Research Methods for Business Management, I expand on how the Internet and Social Media can be used to gather both primary and secondary data to answer many (if not all) of your research questions in your business dissertation.

Attracting Website Visitors with SEO

Attracting a visitor to a website might mean using push media such as advertisements to attract website visitors the website or pull media in the form of high rank in search engine listing when the potential visitor will visit the website as part of their search...

Mobile advertising in the MENA region: factors influencing users’ atttitudes

Mobile advertising is in an experimental phase in MENA region, where marketers are simply just “trying it out” and hold the attitude that the mobile “doesn’t work yet”

Challenges associated with the management of Facebook fan pages

A challenge associated with the use of fan pages by a brand is to elicit engagement behaviours towards it, by attracting people’s attention and enticing them to click on the page to become a fan, or clicking on the content.

Celebrity bloggers: the implications of a blurred personal and professional life on social media

Should high profile bloggers give credit or pay special fees to take pictures in private locations? This is the question that a small boutique hotel called The Reading Rooms was trying to answer last week.   The situation   Estée Lalonde (@EsteeLalonde) a...

Call for participants: Can Robots Be Friends, Lovers, or Parents?

Are you fascinated by the future of technology and relationships? We're seeking participants for a research study exploring the evolving dynamics between humans and robots. Imagine a world where robots are more than just machines – they're friends, lovers, and even...

#HenleyDigital is now over – reflections and future directions for my digital marketing modules

For the second year, I had the opportunity to teach the Digital Marketing modules at Henley Business School at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I called the module #HenleyDigital, and some students have engaged with the hashtag on Twitter and...

Analysing the effects on reputation, credibility and trust of three PR strategies to manage a crisis on Facebook

Social media platforms are now a common tool for PR practitioners to manage a crisis. When used correctly, social media allow organisations to monitor the sentiment of people towards a specific situation and to correct rumours rapidly before they become facts. However, what is the tone and best strategy that PR departments should adopt when a crisis happens?

SME World Summit 2016: Fostering growth through applied research.

There is an increasing pressure to use digital resources in an efficient manner, especially from an SME perspective. Making sure that the business outcomes from digital marketing activities are positive for SME owners can ensure future growth and increase customer...

Engagement behaviours on Facebook Fan pages

Facebook offers companies several options to contact and communicate with their customers. Four behaviours are possible for a Facebook brand page user. Users can decide to look into a page of a brand and “Like” the page, which will lead to being able to see further messages from the brand later in his Facebook newsfeed. Furthermore, once that content is displayed, the platform allows users to “react” to the content, leave a comment on the content, and share the content with others. This post examines more in detail all these engagement behaviours.

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What does an SEO specialist do?

What does an SEO specialist do?

I interviewed Swapna Anandikar-Mulye about her role as an SEO specialist at The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. I met Swapna a couple of years ago when she was studying Digital Marketing at Henley Business School. Below a transcript of the interview: Rodrigo...

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What do brand managers do?

What do brand managers do?

As part of my activities as the Program Director for the MSc in Marketing at Henley Business School was to reconnect with some of our Alumni that have graduated from the Program and that now work in different areas of Marketing. The idea was to give current students...

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What is a theory?

What is a theory?

You are being asked to make a theoretical contribution and to find theoretical research gaps. This can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know what can be considered as a theory and what is not. This guide will point you in the right direction. What is a...

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How to Create a Customer Journey Map

How to Create a Customer Journey Map

According to Salesforce, 80% of senior-ranking marketers state that a cohesive customer journey is absolutely critical for success. These marketers understand how a customer or user journey map can streamline processes and provide customers with a consistent...

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How to make money online?

How to make money online?

If you’re looking to make money online, you need to understand the different revenue models that are available. A revenue model describes the process by which money can be earned. Choosing a revenue model for your online business will help with decisions regarding how many resources to invest in your business.  There are four main revenue models: selling content, selling information, selling advertisement space and selling services

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Dark Social: what is it and what it means for your business?

Dark Social: what is it and what it means for your business?

Dark Social has become a major topic among marketing practitioners in the past years. The reason behind this is that marketers are realising that dark social behaviours are increasingly popular among consumers. In this article, we will look at what dark social is, and we’ll share some recommendations on how to leverage on this online behaviour.

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The UK General Election: can social media covfefe influence the elections?

The UK General Election: can social media covfefe influence the elections?

Social media was, without a doubt, at the centre of all candidates’ campaign strategy in this General Election. However, this was not always the case. The Obama campaign popularised the use of social media for political reasons in 2008. Before that, ‘respectable’ politicians tended to shy away from this channel. The reasons are similar to the one’s brands experienced in the early stages of social media adoption: it is hard to control what happens once a tweet or Facebook post is out, and politicians (as well as brands) were not very keen on criticism on these public platforms. However, the attitudes towards social media by politicians worldwide is more welcoming today than ten years ago, and many of the most prominent personalities in the global political sphere have a prolific social media presence and covfefe. However, is it a positive thing?

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Blue Monday, fact, fiction or purely a marketing opportunity?

Blue Monday, fact, fiction or purely a marketing opportunity?

Today is supposed to be the gloomiest day of the year, according to Dr Cliff Arnall, a former academic specialised in the field of psychology that devised a formula that is supposed to determine the gloomiest day of the year based on some rather grim factors. Beyond the validity of Dr Arnall’s depression score formula, some opportunities arise from events like this from a marketing perspective, and businesses have embraced rather happily Blue Monday to their calendar of marketing communication activities and promotional events.

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